Nov 7

Company Law Board(Fees on Applications and Petitions) Amendment rules, 2014


Company Law Board(Fees on Applications and Petitions) Amendment rules, 2014

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a notification dated 3rd November, 2014 with respect to the Company Law Board(Fees on Applications and Petitions) Amendment Rules, 2014 and in the said schedule of the fees the following points shall be inserted after point no. 33:
34: 2(41) of the Companies Act, 2013; Allowing any period other than April to March as financial year: Rs. 5,000
35: 58 and 59 of the Companies Act, 2013; Rectification of Register of members; Rs. 500
36: 73(4) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with section 76; Directing the Company to pay the sum due or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of such non-payment: Rs. 100
37: 74(2) of the Companies Act, 2013; Allow further time as considered reasonable to the company to repay the deposit: Rs. 5,000
The notification shall come into force from the date of notification in the official gazette.
The amendment rules containing the full details and particulars can also be accessed at the link given below.

The Company Law Board (Fees on Applications and Petitions) Amendment Rules, 2014

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