I, __________ son/daughter/spouse of _____________ aged ___, residing at __________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That I, Shri/Smt ___________, having signature now to be changed as copy of specimen is attached.
2. I am residing at the abovementioned address and have not changed my address in the past three years.
I am residing at the abovementioned address for the past (period of time at the present address) and before that I was staying at (the earlier address ) for (period of time at the earlier address).
3. That I have changed my signature.
4. I hereby affirm that after dated _________ all the signature done by me i.e. ________________ will be as no. 2 done on specimen copy attached with affidavit and any signature done with no.1 will not considered as minw.
I am executing this declaration to be submitted to the concerned authorities for the change of signature.
I hereby state that whatever is stated herein above are true to the best of my knowledge.
Solemnly affirmed at ________ )
On this ____ day of ______ 2004 ) (Signature of the Applicant)
Identified by me Before Me
Advocate S.E.M./ Oaths Commissioner/Notary