Mar 28

Bank Related Affidavits


                                         ATM Proposal Letter Format
Date: _________

The Branch Manager
_________ BANK 
Address: _________

Dear Sir,

SUB: OFFER OF PREMISES FOR ATM AT _________(Address of Premises).

With reference to our discussion, I wish to offer a space at the following premises for opening of your ATM. The details of the offer and the terms and conditions are as given below:

S No
Address and Location of the Premises
Name/s of the owner/s/ Authorized Signatories  with address and phone numbers
Whether the premise is vacant and possession is available immediately.
Area offered
_________ sq.ft  ( ___ X ___ )
Direct access and frontage
Lease Tenure

I undertake to handover the vacant and clean premises as offered above as and when the Bank accepts the offer and coveys the sanction.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Your Name)
Contact: _________

Application for Issuance of Foreign Demand Draft / Foreign Outward Remittance
The Branch Manager,               
_________ Bank Limited
_________ Branch

Dear Sir,

Subject : Application for Issuance of Foreign Demand Draft / Foreign Outward Remittance

Currency & Amount
Beneficiary Name, Address & Account No. / IBAN
Beneficiary Bank Name, Address & SWIFT / Sort Code
Purpose of Remittance
Foreign Bank Charges

   We would like to purchase / remit _______________________ as above. In this context, we declare that the captioned transaction does not involve and is not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provision of the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 or any rule, regulations, notification, direction or order issued there under.

The required A2 form, duly filled in and necessary documentary evidence in support of the said purpose are enclosed.

We request you to debit my/ our EEFC / RFC Account No.__________________________ for _________________ and the balance amount to my/ our INR Account No. __________________ along with your charges.

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