Feb 26

Deed for confirmation of assignment


THIS DEED OF CONFIRMATION made at this ____ day of _____
Shri _____________ Son of Shri _____________ Age _____ years, occupation – ____, resident of  hereinafter called the PARTY NUMBER ONE, (which express shall, unless repugnant to the context, mean and include her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the First Part
Shri _____________ Son of Shri_____________ age  years, occupation _____, resident of  hereinafter called the PARTY NUMBER TWO, (which express shall, unless repugnant to the context, mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the Second Part
The __________   a cooperative society, registered under the Cooperative Societies Act, acting through its Chairman, Shri  age ___years, occupation – ______, resident of _______  hereinafter called the P.No. 3, (which express shall, unless repugnant to the context, mean and include the said society, its present and future members, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the Third Part.
WHEREAS the property bearing Shop No. , situate on the ground floor, in the building named “Sharma Chambers”, standing on the land bearing Sub-Plot No. ____ Final Plot No. _____ of  had originally been allotted and granted on ownership by the Party No. 3 unto the party No. 1 as a member;
AND WHEREAS the party No. 1 subsequently assigned all her right, title and interest in and over the said property in favour of the party No.2;
AND WHEREAS the said deed of assignment between the party No. 1 and the party No. 2 was executed on____;
AND WHEREAS since then, the party No. 2 has been holding and enjoying the said property as a member of the party No. 3;
AND WHEREAS as a member of the said society, i.e. party No. 3, the party No. 2 has during all these years been the absolute and exclusive owner of the said property;
AND WHEREAS on account of the subsequent change of membership and assignment of rights by the party No. 1 unto the party No. 2, it has become necessary to execute this deed of confirmation;
AND WHEREAS the party No. 3 has, accordingly, agreed to declare and confirm these presents;
NOW, THIS DEED WITNESSES, and it is hereby mutually agreed by and between the parties as follows :
1.That the party numbers 1 and 3 do hereby declare and confirm that, by the execution of the deed of assignment, dated___, executed by the party No. 1 unto the party No. 2, the party No. 2 since then has become the absolute and exclusive owner of the property bearing Shop No. 2, situate on the ground floor, in the building known as “Sharma Chambers”, standing on the land bearing Sub-Plot No. 3, Final Plot No. 17, of  described in further details in the schedule here under, and the party No.  1 further declares and confirms that she has no right, title or interest in or over the said property.
2.That the party No. 3 does hereby further declare and confirm that all the share certificates, which were in the name of the party No. 1, have now been transferred in the name of the party No. 2, and all the requirements and formalities with respect to the full-fledged membership, ownership, possession, occupation and enjoyment by the party No. 2 have been duly fulfilled and complied with, and, now, there is no lacuna in any respect.
3.That all the terms and conditions contained in the original agreements between the parties Nos. 1 and 3 and 2 shall be construed to have been incorporated in these presents.
THE SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY ABOVE REFERRED TO : All that piece and parcel of shop No. 2 situate on the ground floor, in the building known as “Sharma Chambers”, standing Shop No. 2, situate on the ground floor, in the building known as “Ganesh Chambers”, standing on the property bearing Sub-Plot No. 3, Final Plot No. 17, of  admeasuring 350 sqft or thereabouts, and bounded by as follows :
On or towards the East         _
On or towards the South      _
On or towards the West        _
On or towards the North      _

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have signed here under at  the date first above mentioned.




Witnesses :

1.       Sd/-

2.      Sd/-

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