Feb 22

Domestic Violence….Say no to it ….Know your Rights


The purpose of writing this article is to make females aware about their right to protection and to seek a remedy in case of Domestic violence in form of protection orders, residence orders, monetary compensation, custody orders and other relief which the court considers appropriate. The whole issue of domestic violence has been categorized into different topics by me for the sake of brevity.
1.    What is Domestic Violence?
  • Physical abuse consisting of harming the limb or causing injury of any form is domestic violence
  • threating the female with the view of extorting money, valuable or for an illegal demand for dowry is domestic violence
  • calling the female by different names such as one who cannot produce kids etc or by ridiculing her is domestic violence
  • Alienating the property of a female or depriving  her of right to property or her stridhan is domestic violence
  • Abusing the female verbally also constitutes domestic violence 
 2. Against whom can orders be passed in the case of complaint of domestic violence?
  •  Husband
  • His family 
  •  Live-in partners
  • Anybody in a domestic relationship with aggrieved person, domestic relationship is relationship of cosagnnuity, adoption, marriage, relationship in nature of marriage, relatives
      3.   What are the orders that can be passed?
  •  Protection order : protecting the aggrieved person from any physical abuse
  •  Residence order: preventing the aggrieved person from being disposed and securing her a place to live in the household
  •  Monetary orders:  compensating her for the loss that has occurred to her due to domestic violence
  • Custody orders: giving the custody of the child in case of complaint considering the welfare of child
  •  Other orders: In case of any other injury or damage
  4. What if the orders are not followed?
       The person can be imprisoned for one year for pay a fine of 25 thousand rupees.
 5. Whom to approach in case of domestic violence?
       Police, he would guide you to protection officer

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