May 14

What you should do when the employer is not paying your salary?

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Before you plan of taking the course of law for this make sure that you have your employment related documents intact. You should preserve the appointment letter, relieving letter, resignation letter etc .

First step would be to give a gentle reminder by email or phone call

Second step: if the first step fails then you should send a formal written request letter through registered post .

Third step : Send a legal notice to the employer reminding him that getting your salary is your legal right and you would be force to approach courts if he fails to pay your salary within 15 days from the date of the notice.

Fourth step: File a case in a labour court under Section 33 (C2) of the Industrial Disputes Act if the matter deals with wage and related problems. Here, if the management does not agree with your case (under the Industrial Disputes Act), you can go to the Labour Commissioner. The Commissioner cannot give a verdict he/she can only help resolve your problem or re-conciliate matters.

For any information regarding labour matters please get in touch with us at or 9873658554

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